Click here to see the page for THE BRASS VERDICT (LA LISTA) published by Pickwick, the paperback imprint for Michael Connelly’s Italian publisher, Edizioni Piemme. We’re proud that Michael Connnelly’s work is such a big part of the new paperback series–browse around the website to see the other Connelly titles in their lineup. Congrats to everyone on the team at Pickwick/Pimme for their gorgeous new site!
Sales of THE FIFTH WITNESS are still going strong in France, where the book has been on the bestseller list for the seventh week in a row since publication. Nearly 100,000 copies have sold in France to date. And on June 24th Calmann Levy will launch a radio advertising campaign on Europe1 that will reach more than 5 million ears–so stay tuned for more good news!
THE REVERSAL has just been published in Portugal, and we’re so happy to share Porto Editora’s striking cover, along with some of the fantastic ads and banners that the Portuguese team has created for their promotional campaign.
Porto Editora’s cover, left, and an ad promoting THE REVERSAL and THE OVERLOOK
We’re very proud of the work our advertising and promotions team has done with the print, online, and broadcast advertisements for The Black Box. Below is a selection of our ads. If you’d like to view more, please check out the full assortment on our Pinterest board.
Calmann-Levy will release The Fifth Witness (Le Cinquième Témoin) on May 2nd . Here is the gorgeous ad they have designed to launch their campaign for the book, which they will promote alongside Le Livre de Poche’s pocket edition of The Reversal (Volte-Face). Over 500 posters will be placed in railway stations all over France to coincide with publication. There will also be in-store displays in major book retailers, independent bookstores, and other retailers nationwide.
Welcome to the Michael Connelly International site! We’re thrilled to have a new digital space to share with you. This blog will be home to news from the team here at Little, Brown, as well as news from all of Michael Connelly’s international publishers. The site will also include an international release schedule, publicity updates and promotional plans. We hope this will be a useful and fun tool for all of Michael Connelly’s publishers around the globe, and please feel free to get in touch with any comments, questions, or suggestions. And of course, do be in touch to pass on any updates you would like to see posted on the site.
Best wishes,
Tracy Williams, Director, International Rights and Caitlin Mullen, Subsidiary Rights Assistant
Welcome to the Michael Connelly International Rights site – the virtual home for Michael Connelly's publishers around the world. Here you will find the latest news from the U.S. publishing team, the most up-to-date U.S. release schedule, and a calendar of international publication dates. Feel free to use the “contact” button to ask questions, makes requests, or say hello!